Oxygen is rolling out the platform prototype


Oxygen has unveiled its interactive prototype, which displays how the platform is going to function and demonstrates the user flows and the platform design.

Oxygen Chief Operating Officer (COO) Alex Melikhov commented: “We’ve made platform interfaces simple and intuitive for the user convenience and faster decision making. We are looking forward to receiving invaluable feedback from the users which we will take into account when developing the platform”.

In funding book interface users can get a feel for the processes of lending or borrowing crypto assets on Oxygen by going through various scenarios. Users can filter orders by a wide range of parameters: loan or collateral assets and amount, maturity, payment rate and counterparty characteristics. Filters by the availability of additional functions such as partial matching, automatic settlement and automatic close-out also simplify the searching process. One can also select available on-the-market orders. In case if funding book doesn’t provide a suitable offer, a user can go through all steps of a new order creation. Along with the list of orders, one can look through a live stream of all trades on the platform.

In addition, funding book interface allows a user to check a live stream of all trades on the platform, while “My transactions” interface shows all user’s ongoing and completed transactions, details on each transaction and allows to edit or cancel orders.

Try it out — https://demo.oxygen.trade/



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