Shaping user experience

Oxygen combines the best centralized solutions for user convenience and Ethereum smart contracts to ensure asset security.

Transparent workflow
and infrastructure

Oxygen is a powerful and easy-to-use decentralised platform basedon Ethereum smart contracts and client-side applications.
All private keys are held by client-side applications and Ethereum network provides collateral security and settlement.
Placement request
Loan request
Matching engine
System fee
Borrower rating DOWN
Borrower rating UP
Collateral realization
Risk management toolkit
Provides advisory on market
Order matching
Runs continious auction
Smart contract
Acts both as custodian and clearing and settlement system
User repayment rating system
Supplies trustworthy user ratings
Etherdelta Changelly
Close out management
Helps liquidate collateral upon default

A deal is defined as an event when both counterparties are registered by the matching engine and settlement is triggered by the smart contract under following conditions:

  • Type and amount of borrowed ERC20 tokens
  • Contract expiration date
  • Type of tokens used as a collateral
  • Interest rate

The lender specifies:

  • Asset and its size to be offered to borrowers
  • Collateral requirements
  • Borrower's minimum credit rating
  • Contract maturity date
  • Interest rate
  • If pooled offers are allowed
  • Proposal expiration time

The borrower specifies:

  • Asset and its size to be asked from lenders
  • Contract maturity date
  • Collateral to be settled
  • If pooled offers are allowed
  • Proposal expiration time

The matching engine has no access to private keys.

Intelligent system provides advisory on market based on market events - ceilings, floors and indicative rates for offer submission.

A set of web applications where participants interact with decentralized repo contracts.

The core of decentralized repo transaction. Security of assets is provided by Ethereum network. The smart contract acts as the settlement mechanism for deals that occurred through the public auction.

The rating system rewards and penalizes users proportionally to the deal’s volumes. A separate smart contract stores the rating data.

Close-out management helps exchange collateral into the original asset of the lender. It can be done either via a decentralized exchange (Etherdelta) or a trusted third-party service (eg Changelly)

System fee is paid in OXG tokens. Gas included.

Loan is transferred to borrower on collateral settlement.

The collateral is locked in the smart contract until the credit-event.

If the borrower fails to return borrowed tokens when the deal has expired, the deal is automatically considered as default. The lender will then be able to claim the collateral from the contract.

When the borrower successfully returns borrowed tokens with interest while the deal is still active (not expired), the deal is automatically considered as completed.

In case of a default the rating declines.

In case of a successfully closed loan the rating increases.

If the lender has specified this clause in the contract – automated realization.

Optional. If the lender has specified this clause in the contract the interest is paid from the collateral.

Interest is an agreed percentage of notional value of borrowed assets.

All transactions are secured and the lender will always receive the collateral in case of borrower’s default on payment.

Borrowed assets are returned to the lender via ERC20 contract interface.

The collateral is unblocked from the repo contract and is returned to the borrower.

Technical Roadmap

  • Release of MVP
  • Product specification and development
  • Team hiring
  • Design legal structure of future-proof platform
  • Alpha Release
  • Ethereum smart contract update
  • User profile
  • 3rd party AML check of ETH-addresses
  • Show more...
  • Platform update
  • Notification system interface
  • Options of multiply collateral
  • Partial execution of orders
  • Show more...
  • Beta Release
  • OTC trades
  • Close out implementation
  • Integration of external close-out management services (Idex, Etherdelta, Changelly)
  • Show more...